Unna Follow-on Formula


Article on Unna at The Way We Play

May 17, 2023
Read about the foundation of our idea, our company building, the stigma we want to break and our desire to create better conditions for a safe start for babies and parents.

The early days – with Fatma Guettou

January 25, 2024
Fatma is a mother of three who changed careers - from a cancer researcher to building companies around her hobby of sewing dolls. We talk about how children and parental leave made her reassess her life, and how she experienced the baby stage.

Early days – with Filippa Lagerstedt

November 22, 2023
We meet Filippa, an entrepreneur and new mother of two, to talk about the first days of motherhood. She has founded and runs HumbleBummies - a new diaper brand to challenge the giants in the market. With her young son Sverre in a baby carrier on her chest, she works to launch her products.

Early days – with Isabel Boltenstern

November 7, 2023
As an ex-exhaustee, she knew that life with children could be challenging. But through challenges, Isabel has focused on finding solutions, and shares them in an inspiring, liberating way!

Bottle feeding

October 23, 2023
Bottle feeding can be just as challenging as breastfeeding. Like breastfeeding, it requires practice and interaction. And properly adapted bottles and nipples.

Some things we cannot talk about

September 8, 2023
It is hardly illegal to be unable to breastfeed or to give your child formula. However, it is illegal to provide information about alternatives to breastfeeding through marketing.

Iron needs of young children

August 12, 2023
Did you know that babies are born with enough iron to cover their needs for the first 6 months?
om första tiden_Paulina_Gunnardo

Early days – with Paulina Gunnardo

May 9, 2023
The struggle to breastfeed, the shock of tiredness, and the revenge with the second child. "If by sharing my journey and my choices, I can perhaps empower or help others who are currently in a similar situation, then I am happy."

Earmarked paternity leave

April 14, 2023
The father's quota in the parental insurance scheme seems to have a significant impact on whether fathers take parental leave from work. Examples from the Nordic countries.

Unna is safe, calm and reliable. We are the natural choice for the modern parent.


WHO rekommenderar uteslutande amning under de första 6 månaderna. UNNA stödjer detta till fullo liksom fortsatt amning tillsammans med introduktion av en varierad kost enligt råd från barnhälsovården.

The WHO Code

The WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months. UNNA fully supports this as well as continued breastfeeding along with the introduction of a varied diet as advised by child health services.