Organic milk Probiotics Organic GOS Free from palm oil Organic milk Probiotics Organic GOS Free from palm oil

Our products

Unna’s products are based exclusively on organic milk. They contain organic GOS to help your baby digest food and probiotics to stimulate growth of beneficial intestinal flora. All products are free of palm oil.

0 - 6 mos.
Stage 1

Organic Infant Formula

fr. US$21,75

6 - 12 mos.
Stage 2

Organic Follow-on Formula 6-12

fr. US$21,75

12 mos.+
Stage 3

Organic Follow-on Formula 12+

fr. US$21,75

Unna is the first Organic Infant & Follow-on Formula from Sweden.

All of Unna’s products bear the EU organic logo, indicating that the products are certified under EU regulations for organic production. EU organic production rules are based on a set of principles to protect the environment.

How to prepare Unna Infant & Follow-on Formula in 8 easy steps

Dosage are given in metric tablespoons (1 tbsp = 6.5 g), and it is important that the measurements are level.

Note: For environmental reasons, Unna’s products do not contain any accompanying measuring spoons.

Step 1
Wash your hands.
Step 2
Make sure the bottle, measures and saucepan are clean.
Step 3
Bring cold water to the boil. Allow to cool to lukewarm temperature (body temperature).
Step 4
Measure the water into the bottle.
Step 5
Add the correct amount of powder to the bottle. Remember that the measuring spoon must be level.
Step 6
Close the bottle and shake/mix until the powder dissolves.
Step 7
Check that the mixture is not too hot by dripping a little on the inside of your wrist. Taste first before giving it to your child. Feed the baby in your arms.
Step 8
Serve the formula or follow-on formula when it is freshly prepared. Any leftovers should be discarded.

Frequently asked questions & answers

Here we’ve collected the answers to some frequently asked questions about Unna’s products.

Can you save the leftovers in the bottle for the next meal?

No, heated, pre-mixed formula should be consumed within 1 hour. Discard any leftovers as there is a risk of bacterial growth.

Yes, first mix the formula according to the instructions on the package. Then add the breast milk and shake the bottle again. Done!

We get some questions about how the Baby Brezza machine interprets our dosage table, and Baby Brezza guarantees that all three Unna formula products are dosed correctly using the measurement wheel setting specified for Unna on their website. In general, the Baby Brezza measures by weight, not volume, which explains why different Unna Formula Stages can use the same measurement wheel setting (e.g. setting 3 for Stages 1, 2 and 3). This is how Baby Brezza explains the dosage in more detail:

“The machine doses the powder to match the producer’s (in this case Unna’s) dosage specifications. Different types of powder differ in character (density, consistency, moisture content, etc.) and therefore the same setting on the machine can be used even if the dimensions are different. Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced is calibrated and set to dose the powder by weight (grams) and not by volume to always comply with the producer’s recommendations. In cases where the difference is so small and it falls between two different settings, the setting that provides a little more is accepted over the one that provides a little less to ensure adequate nutrition.

All powders are tested incredibly carefully in our lab to make sure they are correct according to the powder producer’s recommendations.”

Baby Brezza’s dosage system is also explained in this video.

We recommend that you first heat the water in the microwave and then add the powder. Sometimes microwave ovens can heat a little unevenly, so it’s a good idea to check that the water is at the right temperature.

The main difference between Unna’s milk-based Follow-on Formula 12+ and regular milk is that the formula is processed to have a much lower protein content than cow’s milk, making it usually easier for small stomachs to digest. Our Follow-on Formula 12+ is more similar to mother’s milk in composition, and contains a range of vitamins and minerals that are important for babies to get. For example, Unna’s Follow-on Formula 12+ is enriched with iron to meet the increased need for iron intake in young children.

Unna’s Follow-on Formula 12+ (Stage 3, the dark green package) is therefore suitable for children over 12 months of age, but only as a complement to a progressively diversified diet. Can be served hot or cold, in mugs or bottles.

Its composition is regulated by EU law and must be appropriate to meet the nutritional needs of infants. The products must not contain any substance in a quantity that could pose a health risk to babies. See Article 9 of Regulation (EU) No 609/2013.

No, neither Unna Stage 1, 2 or 3 contain palm oil. Our sources of fat are sunflower, coconut and rapeseed oils.

What does it mean that it is produced in Skåne?

Our factory in Bjuv, Skåne, has extensive experience in manufacturing infant formula. The factory was established in the 1970s and has been employing people from Skåne ever since. In addition to formula, the factory also produces various porridges. The facility is one of the few in Northern Europe to have mastered the art of producing infant formula, a product that requires both specialized skills and a very specific work and technical environment.

Organic food production is about producing food in a long-term and sustainable way. Natural resources such as land, energy and water should be used in a way that has the least possible impact on the environment.
Organic production should also support biodiversity and safeguard animal welfare.

Organic farming means not using artificial fertilizers or chemical pesticides. The use of genetically modified organisms or irradiation is also prohibited.
Furthermore, animal feed must be organic and primarily grown on the farm. It is also important to allow animals to be outdoors and to exercise their natural behaviors.
Medicines for animals, such as antibiotics, should be used with great care.

Organic production helps to reduce the use of chemical pesticides, which is important for keeping lakes and rivers healthy.
Organic food production is also important for preserving biodiversity. On and around organic farms, many more species of plants, bees and other pollinators can be found.
The transition to organic production will be particularly important for future generations.

One of the disadvantages of organic production is that it is generally less time efficient. Organic farming often results in lower harvests because no chemicals can be used to control weeds or plant diseases. The strict rules surrounding organic production generally mean that organic farming produces less food, making production more expensive, which is reflected in prices in the supermarket.

Increased demand for organic food, sustainability and transparency are driving developments in both organic and conventional production. Consumers’ expectations that producers respect the environment and human and animal health are expected to grow stronger.

What is calcium good for?

Calcium is an essential mineral. Calcium is needed for the formation of bones and teeth, for blood clotting and proper nerve functioning.

Vitamin A is important for vision, as well as for skin and mucous membranes.

Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, is important for metabolism and for the functioning of the central nervous system.

Vitamin B12 is needed for the body’s blood formation and is necessary for the functioning of the nervous system. B12 is also important for metabolism.

Vitamin C is necessary for the body to build cartilage and bone. Vitamin C is also important because it facilitates the absorption of iron.

Vitamin D is needed for the development of teeth and bones.

The body needs vitamin E to protect polyunsaturated fats from being broken down. Vitamin E is an antioxidant.

The body needs vitamin K for the blood to clot. In Sweden, newborn babies are given a vitamin K shot to reduce the risk of serious bleeding. The body lacks vitamin K at birth.

Why do we need fat?

Fat provides the body with energy in a concentrated form and is stored in the adipose tissue as an energy reserve. Adipose tissue is also a thermal insulator and provides protection for internal organs. Fat is needed for the body to build and repair cells and produce hormones and hormone-like substances. Fat is also needed for the body to absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Fats also provide us with essential polyunsaturated fatty acids. These fatty acids cannot be produced by the body and must be obtained from food. Essential fatty acids affect a number of functions in the body, including blood pressure, blood circulation and the immune system. The essential fatty acids are alpha-linolenic acid (18:3) and linoleic acid (18:2), which are defined by legislation. These fatty acids are called Omega-3 and Omega-6.

Our infant formula and complementary follow-on formula contain three added fatty acids. The linoleic acid and αlpha-linolenic acid come from a blend of sunflower, rapeseed, and coconut oils. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is extracted from algae.

Yes, linoleic acid is the essential fatty acid commonly known as Omega-6 and αlpha-linolenic acid is commonly known as Omega-3. Both of these essential fatty acids, in Unna’s case, come from the sunflower, rapeseed and coconut fat blend.

Alternatives to breastfeeding are thought to have existed throughout history, with experiments using milk from animals such as cows, goats and donkeys. In the early 19th century, the first scientific reports showed poorer survival rates for children who were not breastfed but only fed cow’s milk, for example. In 1838, the German scientist Johann Franz Simonn published the first chemical analysis of the content of mother’s milk compared to cow’s milk, which then formed the basis of research on infant formula in the following decades. Among other things, the analysis showed that cow’s milk has a significantly higher protein content and lower carbohydrate content than mother’s milk, which led to the realization that cow’s milk was more difficult to digest than mother’s milk.

In the 1860s, the German chemist Justus von Leibig developed powdered infant formula based on wheat flour, cow’s milk, malt and potassium hydrogen carbonate. The powder, to be mixed with heated cow’s milk, was the formula that most closely approximated mother’s milk up to that time, and became the first infant formula to be commercialized. The formula soon became popular across Europe and a few years later it was also available on the US market. In 1870, American Nestlé Infant Food launched the first infant formula that could be mixed with water instead of milk – the first wholly synthetic formula product on the market.

In the modern period, manufacturers have continued to develop and fine-tune their formulas in line with the latest research. The biggest advances in recent years have been in nutrition for babies born prematurely or with very low birth weight, and in formulas for babies with allergies or other difficulties in processing milk.4 Another development in this area is the framework of laws and regulations established to ensure the quality and safety of infant formula for consumers. For example, the composition of infant formula is strictly regulated in the EU.

While the general recommendation is that babies should be breastfed for at least six months, today’s babies and parents can benefit from the results of many years of research and development of infant formula. Those who do not breastfeed can rest assured that the substitutes available are the best that medical research has to offer.

Read more in our forum

On the first days after giving birth, feeding, and topics related to parenting in general. About our branch, entrepreneurship, and insights from other markets. 

If you wish to buy our products, you can do so through one of our retailers.


WHO rekommenderar uteslutande amning under de första 6 månaderna. UNNA stödjer detta till fullo liksom fortsatt amning tillsammans med introduktion av en varierad kost enligt råd från barnhälsovården.

The WHO Code

The WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months. UNNA fully supports this as well as continued breastfeeding along with the introduction of a varied diet as advised by child health services.